" The progress of this beloved land, its renaissance and development, its advancement and strength, and its prosperity is the ultimate great aim for every Omani whose heart is possessed of faith and sincerity for this land.
This noble target cannot be achieved in reality except with effort, hard work, and enlightened thought, so that the challenges of the future can be overcome.
It is the national duty of every citizen to fit our youth to take their rightful places in all walks of life. It is a matter of great importance to us all. Without training and qualifying, and ac-quiring experience, education alone cannot answer our basic needs. The industries which we are working to establish and develop, all demand these qualified skills. Agriculture, fisheries, commerce, public services all require these indispensable needs. Unless the efforts of both government and private sectors are combined to achieve these goals, with scientific planning and practical programmes, so that they are thoroughly reached as a national duty, our need for expatriate assistance will continue, even at the most basic levels. Indeed, it may increase and thousands of working opportunities may be lost.
We have issued our orders to the concerned Government authorities to review the Educational and Vocational Training policies so that they can remain fully in accord with our national development".