"Benefit to mankind is the object of all our development programmes. At the same time, man is the effective means to carry them out. This is why, over the past twenty years we have striven to improve the quality of life of all our people, and to prepare them to play their part in the construction of the Fatherland. Our efforts in this respect have been notably successful, for which we thank God.
Furthermore, we have directed our Government to provide all that is necessary to promote the vocational training programmes for our national work force. In addition, full support must be given to young people who are committed to the principle of self-employment, and also to those who provide jobs for Omanis. Government must assist young people by providing feasibility studies for small enterprises.
We now begin a new era in the construction of our country, which requires us to depend on our human resources to a great extent, in all fields.
Every Omani is required today - more than at any time - to roll up his sleeves and give his devoted efforts to carrying out his duties seriously and consistently.
It is our duty - all of us - to concentrate continuously. The great ambitions of nations and peoples are not achieved accidentally or by depending on others. They are only achieved by self-reliance, hard work, creative efforts, wholehearted and responsible participation. This is what we call upon you today to achieve, for our country now and in the future".