
Oman Observer

MUSCAT, Taking innovation to another level is Oman National Training Institute by urging everyone to trigger their imagination and become inventors. The collaboration with Maker Academy from Kuwait means ONTI will now offer training for any one from five years to someone who is 99 years of age. At the launch of the programme that was held at the ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs, the Academy representatives explained how innovators will also have the guidance to manufacturing their concepts into reality.

Dr Rashid al Gailani, CEO of Oman National Engineering and Investment Company said, “This is more of a CSR project and the whole objective is to contribute to the society of Oman by encouraging the youth by building their confidence to become one day inventors and be part of global inventors. We have the tools, the experience to show how it can be done,” explained Al Gailani.

“There are many international schools in Oman and we are ready to show the tools to them so the students can benefit and have a choice from an early stage.

Ahmad al Saleh, is a founder and family member of The Big Brains Company that is collaborating with ONTI. “The company is focusing on R&D. The company builds innovations and electronic brains. So what we are seeing here is the launch of the first Arabic micro-controller board — a simple computer that could be used in the educational system,” said the developer, Al Saleh.

He explained the team is here in Oman to promote ideas into projects using the first Arabic all in one PC that could be used to programme and to move your project.

“This is the brain behind every device in the world it can help convert your into a real project. The Ebot system has a range such as Ebot 8, Ebot 4 and E bot X. The kit we have is small and is perfect for college, university students, artists anybody who wants to develop ideas,” said Al Saleh.

Sultan al Hinai, Head of ONTI, said the programme in coordination with the Maker Academy is to have the training that will be offered to all age groups.

“All one has to do is approach ONTI and register for the upcoming training. There are a variety of training some which would be for one hour, others that is held for a day and maybe yet others that could last for a week as well as regular sessions. There are four programmes so it depends on how fast the student is.”